Our Firm
Yetter Coleman is a litigation boutique defined by how we try cases and handle appeals. Clients care about how we practice law, and they benefit from our proven approach.
First, we believe in the mantra, “Be prepared.” We roll up our sleeves, do the hard work, think deeply about our cases, and have a plan. Because we’re prepared, we can think ahead and execute our strategy to achieve the best results for our clients. We know that solid preparation is the foundation for great results.
Second, we are good communicators. Persuasion requires storytelling. We connect with juries, judges, and arbitral panels because we speak and write clearly and simply. We use imagery, paint with our words, and help our audience care about our clients.
Finally, we work well in teams. We hire the best, check our egos at the door, and work effectively together to deliver results. We welcome the opportunity to team up with excellent co-counsel when a case warrants a multi-firm approach. Seamless collaboration creates efficiency and synergy, increasing the value to the client by having lawyers who thrive in teams.
These values add up to excellence in practicing law and effectively representing our clients: Preparation. Communication. Teamwork.

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