National Cannabis Industry Association Policy Council Conversations Webinar Series
“Policy Council Conversations: Just Say No – Keep the DEA out of Cannabis Research”

Shane Pennington and Matthew Zorn, Yetter Coleman LLP
Sue Sisley, MD, Scottsdale Research Institute
Jodi Avergun, Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP & Former Chief of Staff
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
Andrew Kline, National Cannabis Industry Association
Wednesday, June 3 | 2:00 pm Central Time
The Drug Enforcement Administration recently issued a notice of proposed rulemaking on cannabis research. If adopted, this rule would fundamentally change how cannabis research is conducted. NCIA recently submitted public comments, rejecting the DEA’s power grab and strongly suggesting that a public health agency (i.e. Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, etc.) lead on cannabis research. Simultaneously, lawyers at Yetter Coleman filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against DOJ, demanding the release of an OLC memo relied upon by DEA in their rulemaking. That successful suit was brought on behalf of Scottsdale Research Institute.
This panel will discuss the critical importance of cannabis research, the DEA rulemaking and NCIA’s numerous objections, and the lawsuit against DEA and the resulting disclosure of the DOJ policy memo.